This unconventional two day course was originally developed as a means of unblocking people who felt unable to convey their words and thoughts on paper. But it has proved highly effective in enabling people in many walks of life to communicate through writing in a new and empowered way. It explores the roots of how and why we suppress our self expression, and encourages participants to ‘take the risk’ of communicating from a new and more powerful place.

It is not a course about sentence construction or correct use of grammar and punctuation. But if you want to write fluently, with the ability to convince and persuade, this workshop may be for you.

The techniques are part personal development and part writing skills and the focus is to help you connect with yourself. Until you do that, how can you connect with others?

The exercises are short, spontaneous, different and fun. They are designed to encourage improved co-ordination between the heart and the head, or the left brain and right brain.

We look at ‘writing from the heart’ to convey our commitment, passion and sense of purpose. In writing from the heart we enrol the hearts of others. But you can’t fake it. And this is why the workshop can be quite challenging. The course calls on people to make an adjustment, consciously or unconsciously, to let go of what is expected and conventional in order to make space for more spontaneity and creativity.

You will learn how to:

  • Make writing an enjoyable, fun experience
  • Write with increased fluency and ease
  • Gain confidence and avoid writer’s block
  • Write as naturally as you speak
  • Structure your writing effectively
  • Write powerfully and persuasively
  • Improve pace, readability and style
  • Communicate from the heart and the head
  • Inspire and motivate your readers.

Who should come on the course?

The techniques can be applied to writing stories, editorial features, novels, family history, business communications, letters, reports, diaries or journals, or even a best seller. Suitable for beginners and experienced writers.

Come and discover skills you never realised you have.

To see what people say about this course, scroll down.

Unleash Your Writing Power

Over Alderley and Birtles Village Hall

Birtles Lane, Over Alderley, Cheshire, SK10 4SN

(This charming rural venue is a short distance from Wilmslow and is also known locally as Birtles Reading Room)

Weekend of 22/23 May 2021
10am – 5pm. £72

Bookings and more info

Course content enquiries to Judi on 077990 644000

What People Say

“Thank you for this fascinating workshop. I still find it unbelievable that I filled so much blank paper in only two days – and that I was able to touch and move people. This really gives me lots of confidence for my future writing.”

Verena K. Cheshire

“The results were amazing and I found the writing process was actually very enjoyable – for a change. I was impressed and surprised with the quality of what I wrote.”

“I feel motivated, inspired and encouraged to start the project I dream about."

“A whizzo weekend…. with like-minded souls."

Neil Lewis

“The Lincoln U3A Writing Group has never been the same since our two day course with Judi in November 2012. Not only do we know each other much better (having shared some of life’s most difficult and emotional experiences) but we are now writing with greater clarity and confidence than before. My only regret is that we do not see her more often: perhaps we shall have to remedy this in the future.

I have had some experience of writing courses both in a group context and as distance learning but Judi’s course unleashed the psyche. Our hands and minds were given wings."

Liz Aldridge

“Your writing class is one of the best things I’ve done for myself in years! Not only did I learn about writing from the heart, I learned about me in the process."

Sally Turk, Canada

“Accepting and inspiring. It has freed me to become the real me.”

Pam Hanson, author

" A powerful and surprising experience. I feel empowered with a belief that maybe, just maybe, that book will one day come out of me after all."

“This course does what it says on the tin. I enjoyed the whole weekend.”

Russell Kay, accountant.